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<em>A B O U T&nbsp; &nbsp; M E</em>

A B O U T    M E

Over the years, I’ve explored different art techniques thanks to my architectural background. I’ve experimented with photography, collage, watercolor, drawing, ceramics, and printmaking. Each of these mediums has given me valuable practical knowledge and expanded my creative space, allowing me to experiment and seamlessly blend them together.

While I’m building my career in architecture, I’m also finding my place as a visual artist. Through my art I want to share a unique narrative composed of the different fragments and experiences that have shaped me both personally and professionally.


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<em>A B O U T&nbsp; &nbsp;M Y&nbsp; &nbsp;W O R K</em>

A B O U T   M Y   W O R K

I would say that the beginning of my visual exploration started with an assignment in architecture school, where we were tasked with creating a photomontage to evoke the spirit of our project.

From there, I began working on these “imaginaries of empty spaces,” which later evolved to incorporate elements beyond architecture and urbanism, such as art, pop culture, and music references. These diverse elements came together to create a place with out-of-context features and characters, resulting in a balanced composition that weaves them together seamlessly.

My recent work draws more from the techniques I’ve developed since that exploration, such as watercolor, printmaking, photography and of course mixed media. These methods allow me to continue blending, overlapping, and integrating various elements into a single piece, much like the approach I used in my collages.


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